Gignouxphotos at Offprint Paris

From November 7 to 10, 2024 Offprint Paris will host at the Pavillon de l’Arsenal a selection of independent, experimental and socially engaged publishers in the fields of art, architecture, design, humanities and visual culture.

Gignouxphotos will be presenting our full list of available titles for sale at the fair.

Visitors will be able to buy the last available copies of limited-edition Mountaintops to Moonscapes and Oil Sands or get in early on the sale of the second editions of Forests of Latvia and Canadian Rangers. We will also have copies of Russian Rustbelt, which was recently reviewed by Cary Benbow in FStop. All of these books are also available in the Gignouxphotos shop.

They will also be the first to be able to see and purchase our latest title: The Powers That Be, which we will be launching at the fair.  This photobook zine is a second collaboration between Alan Gignoux and Chloe Juno following their first joint project published in 2022, Monuments.  Through a combination of 35mm stills and Polaroids taken during the 2024 Polish elections, the book highlights the role of elected representatives in reducing the world’s dependence on fossil fuels.  This new book will be an addition to our growing portfolio of photobooks and zines addressing environmental themes. 

In addition, visitors to Paris during this time will be able to explore the galleries showing at Paris Photo, which will also be showcasing the winners of the 2024 Paris Photo-Aperture Photobooks Awards.

Offprint Paris

7th-11th November

Pavillon de l’Arsenal

21 Boulevard Morland

75004 Paris

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